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Archive for May 2018

Hey guys, kanna here. My first post after graduating from college. Wow...

Ok, enough sentimentality. I just want to level with you guys here before I get to this prediction: I REALLY FREAKING HATE BLEACH. Both the anime and the hair stuff (but mostly the anime).

So, why am I doing a prediction video? Well, I can never seem to get the timing right for when to film. I'm always being interrupted by something. At least while blogging, I can avoid being interrupted (for the most part).

When this movie was announced, I was ready to throw something out a window. I's like they made a third season of Diabolik Lovers.


*goes on Google*

WHAT THE FRICK-BISCUIT?! No official announcement has been made, but there are rumors going around about a third season of this garbage anime that could seriously kill brain cells (ok, exaggeration, but you get my point)?


Ok, kanna, deep breaths. Calm down. This will all make sense once there's an official announcement. For now, we'll just live with the sad rumors and the fact that people actually like Diabolik Lovers. Enough about that, though, this is my prediction for the live action adaptation of Bleach.

As I said before, I REALLY FREAKING HATE BLEACH. There are numerous reasons why I hate it, but the main one is this:




Seriously! I sat through the first 20 episodes of the anime before I gave up on it. Why?

Well...I'll give a bit of background. The anime does have a decent plot and (kinda) interesting characters.

The story is set in a fictional town called Karakura Town, and revolves around Cole...wait...wrong thing. Sorry, this is so similar to The Sixth Sense that I got the protagonists mixed up. I mean Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who, like Cole Sear from The Sixth Sense, can see and hear dead people. He can also see the creatures that chase the souls of the dead, and those creatures are known as Hollows (dangerous, lost souls that could not rest).

One night, in the midst of a Hollow attack, a girl named Rukia Kuchiki is fatally injured. We learn that Rukia isn't human, but is something called a Soul Reaper. A Soul Reaper is a fictional being that governed the flow of spirits between the human world and the realm of the afterlife called the Soul Society.

Rukia, unable to fight, is forced to transfer her Soul Reaper powers to Ichigo. This turns Ichigo into a Soul Reaper, and he ends the fight. Rukia teaches Ichigo about being a Soul Reaper, despite her powers being limited as a result of the transfer. We later learn that some of Ichigo's classmates are also able to see spirits.

And...that's pretty much the general plot. There are several storylines, but this is pretty much the plot of the first few episodes. There's a bunch of other stuff that happens, but if you want me to be perfectly honest...the rest of it kinda-sorta sucks. Too much filler. It's like watching the majority of Naruto, Naruto ShippudenBoruto, and One Piece. Wait...I just named a bunch of series that so many people like. do I get out of this...?

Deus ex Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged!

*gasps for breath after running from pitchforks and torches*

Phew...okay...I think I lost them.

*looks over shoulder*

Yep, they're gone.

On with the prediction!

So when I first heard about the live action adaptation of this anime, I said, "Nope. Not seeing it. Not even if you paid me all the money in the world." But I changed my tune as soon as I found out popular Japanese rock singer and actor, Miyavi, was going to be in the movie as...well, I can't remember his character's name (I think it was Rukia's superior or something...I don't really remember), but I got excited when I found out about Miyavi.

For those of you who don't know who Miyavi is, Miyavi is a Japanese rock singer. He's also an actor. He made his international acting debut in the movie, Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie. He's pretty talented, and I would definitely recommend checking his stuff out.

The movie stars Sota Fukushi, who is known for playing the protagonist in Kamen Rider Fourze (man, I'm so behind on Kamen Rider...I haven't even gotten to Kamen Rider Build yet), as Ichigo Kurosaki. And...I haven't heard of any of the other actors outside of him and Miyavi. I don't think I've seen anything the other actors have been in, so that's probably why.

My prediction: I'm honestly not sure how to go into this movie. I went into the live action Attack on Titan with an open mind and pumped to see it, and we all saw how well that went. I went into Netflix's Death Note with a (semi) open mind, and that was pretty painful to sit through.

Despite how much I can't stand the anime, I really hope that this adaptation turns out to be decent. I want to see it do well. I think that they have the right cast and...oh, crap. The director is Shinsuke Sato, the director of Death Note: Light Up the New World.

Ok, we can't judge a director off of one movie. After all, that film came out...frick, it came out two years ago, and he's directing this RIGHT AFTER Death Note: Light Up the New World. Meaning: he probably hasn't had much time to learn anything from his mistakes with that Death Note movie.

Well, with any luck, this movie will do well, and we won't be scarred for life from it. Who knows? Maybe it will convert me into a fan of Bleach!

This is probably my last Anime Monday before China. I'll be gone from late May/early June to mid-August. I don't know if I'll have access to Blogger, so I'll try to have as many Anime Mondays written before I leave so all I have to do is hit publish when I get back. Until August! ~k

Anime Monday #53 - Live Action Bleach prediction

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Posted by kanna

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