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// Posted by :kanna // On :Monday, November 13, 2017

Hey guys, kanna here. Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving AND December already? We’re almost in 2018! I’ll graduate college/university in a few more months! Yay!

On that note, it just occurred to me that I registered for classes for the last time. I feel a little weird. Not good weird, not bad weird, just weird.

Haha, it’s actually kind of bittersweet. I’m leaving most of my friends behind. But it’s all good, because I’ll be able to go into my teaching career. Thank G-d, because the fall semester has been stressful as f**k (it’s a long story and I don’t want to bore you with the details).

That aside, let’s get to Anime Monday! Let’s see…what am I reviewing today?

Hm…too cliché…saving that for the fifth anniversary…saving that for #50…come on, there has to be SOMETHING here! Wait, what’s this? A musical anime that UtaPri probably ripped off of? I’ll take it! This is…La Corda d’Oro.

I’ll get to why I’m convinced UtaPri ripped off this anime later. For now, let’s focus on background and plot.

La Corda d’Oro (Italian for “The Golden String”) was originally a role-playing game targeted at a female audience under the Neoromance series from Koei. It was only released in Japan for Windows computers, the PS2, and the PSP in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respectively.

In 2004, a manga adaptation by Yuki Kure was released. You might recognize her from…um…wow, I haven’t heard of any of her other works. I guess that La Corda d’Oro is what she is best known for. She has other stuff under her belt, but it looks like La Corda d’Oro is her major work. Ok.

In 2006, an anime adaptation called La Corda d’Oro: Primo Passo premiered and ran from October 2006 to March 2007 for 26 episodes. In 2009, a 2-episode “special” aired called La Corda d’Oro: Secondo Passo aired. Then, in 2014, a spin-off series called La Corda d’Oro Blue Sky aired.

For this Anime Monday, I’ll be talking about La Corda d’Oro: Primo Passo.

The anime tells the story of Kahoko Hino, a girl who attends a school that is split into two departments: the general education department and the music department. She’s a student in the general education department who runs into a musical fairy (I couldn’t make that up if I tried) named Lili, who grants her a magical violin and a place in the school’s music competition.

Kahoko has no prior musical experience or knowledge and initially refuses, but Lili tells her that she can play any piece on the violin as long as she knows the tune and plays it with her heart. As the competition goes on, she grows attached to the other contenders, and vice versa (though they never admit it directly to her).

There isn’t really much to talk about with regards to the characters. All our anime tropes are there, as well as most of our UtaPri tropes and voice actors. Yeah, I bet you didn’t see that coming, did you? Turns out that a good amount of the characters for the anime are voiced by actors who also did voice acting for UtaPri.

This is going to be a relatively short review, because there isn’t much to talk about. I mean…well, we’ll get to that with the reason of why I gave the anime the rating I did.

Rating: 1/10 (and that's being generous)

Why: First off, the characters are all cliché. There’s NOTHING interesting about any of them. Don’t get me wrong; the voice actors are great, but there’s more to a character than their voice actor and whatever anime character trope they have.

Kahoko Hino is blander than bread, has little to no character development, and the idea of being able to be an instant musical prodigy without any prior experience just pisses me off. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has (or had) to work hard to get to where they are in their careers. And this girl just picks up a violin and is instantly able to play it.

The. Flying. FRICK?!

Do you (the writers) have ANY IDEA how hard so many musicians and singers had to work to get to where they are now?! Apparently not, because you wouldn’t have come up with this garbage anime!

*deep breath*

Look. I get that I’m probably overreacting a little (maybe more than a little). This is just a bad anime, after all. It’s not worse than Diabolik Lovers (thank G-d for that). But this anime has no originality AT ALL. Even the music, as great as it is, isn’t original! It’s all covers (except for the opening and ending)! The only original things in this anime are the opening and ending! Were the writers getting high or something when adapting this? Because that’s probably the only way a person’s creativity could just go off the rails. Don’t get me wrong, the covers sound great, but there’s no originality in this anime aside from the opening and ending.

If you’re into classical music and don’t really care that the characters are all cliché and everything, then this anime is for you. If not, then I highly recommend the rip-off anime UtaPri. It might be a rip-off, but it’s much better than this pile of crap.

Well, now that that’s over, let’s see what the next Anime Monday is.

FINALLY, this one actually looks promising. It’s about freaking time, too. I thought for sure November was just going to be filled with crappy anime.

See you next Anime Monday (whenever that might be)! ~k

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